Rubia cordifolia
Wound healing, moisturizing, Natural colorant.
1% - 3%
Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia) is a flowering plant also known as Indian madder or Madderwort. It belongs to the family Rubiaceae or the coffee family. The word “manjistha” means bright red, which describes the bright red colored roots of this herb. Manjistha can help counter attack all health hazards caused by accumulating toxins. Manjistha is known for its ability to penetrate body tissues where reactive toxins have accumulated. It binds with the toxins and neutralizes their damaging effect to the tissues. This super herb aids in removing toxins from the blood and in cleansing the lymphatic system, the liver, kidneys and other major organs. Manjistha contains sulfur and tannins, natural substances that give this super herb its ability to eliminate bacterial infections. It also acts as anti-inflammatory agent as it contains salicylates and triterpenoids, substances that alleviate swelling or inflammation.